Kailahun - definitie. Wat is Kailahun
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Wat (wie) is Kailahun - definitie

Kailahun é uma cidade da Serra Leoa, produtora de diamantes e agrícola. É a capital do distrito de Kailahun.
Kailahun (distrito)         
Kailahun é uma distrito da Serra Leoa localizado na província Eastern. Sua capital é a cidade de Kailahun.
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Kailahun
1. "We are not accepting the results from Kailahun and Kenema," APC spokesman Alpha Kanu said.
2. "Our agents were not allowed access and our voters were hounded and chased out into the bush." Kailahun is in the eastern diamond mining area whose gems fuelled the 11–year civil war in which 50,000 people were killed; drug–crazed militia fighters, many just children, hacked hands, feet and other body parts off hundreds of people.